Monday, December 28, 2009

MaryAnne's Bachelorette!

My darling MaryAnne got hitched over two months ago, and I cannot wait to go visit her this holiday season. For now, I wanted to post several photos from my kitchen of delicious cupcakes, a la bachelorette theme, that I made with my sister (and ironically the help of her boyfriend).



  1. Hi Rani!
    2 new posts!! Very cool. The cupcakes are gorgeous.


  2. Dang it, I wrote a whole comment and it didn't post. WHAT I WAS SAYING, was, oh man, that was a fun weekend! I loved the cupcakes then - each one special and unique and very bachelorette themed!- and love seeing them again. Thanks for posting them!

  3. thanks!! you were right. I just got a new camera for christmas- you will see it soon, and for sure i will be posting all the time!! woohoo
