Sunday, February 14, 2010

How did you spend your Valentine's day?

Just in time, the fog lifted and the sun sparkled off the crashing waves. It was of course the perfect backdrop for a run this morning.

My good friend, and Salsa dance partner, Hector and I ran an organized 10k run this morning through Pacific Grove. He and I kept a really good pace, pushing me slightly faster than my normal weekend run speed. We stayed really consistent at 9:08 minutes per mile. My goal was to cross the finish line in under an hour, and we did just that, crossing at 56:40.

Checking the official results on line, I found out that for my age group (20-29 yr old women) I came in 26th out of 72!! Not shabby. The overall race felt really good, and we got super cool black shirts...
...all in support of the Monterey Rape Crisis Center.

OF course there will be salsa dancing later tonight!! So now share how you spent your day!

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