Friday, November 9, 2012

Celebrating Halloween at my School in Japan!

Wanted to share some photos from our Halloween party at school last week!

Originally it was scheduled for Sunday, the 28th of October, but due to a wet and rainy day, it was postponed until the following Sunday! By that point, I was over it and was no longer excited to be celebrating Halloween in November! But we went all out, and the kids and parents loved it.  There is a park about a three minutes walk from the school.  Our boss and some helpers spent all day Sunday setting up in one corner of the park and they went all out! Smoke machines, tombstones, skulls, carved pumpkins witches and all kinds of creepy decorations.  The young students (between the ages of 3-9) all dressed in costumes, met us with their parents after we finished our work shift (at 4pm).  We paraded over to the park and the kids participated in a whole bunch of different activities.  We sang Halloween Songs, ('Who stole the candy from the trick-or-treat bag?') and games, and told stories, and we had clowns perform, and we served hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows and gave out halloween candy too!
Exhausting, but successful!

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