Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nagano Adventures: Part 2

Nagano is home to the 1998 Winter Olympics- one I know I watched intensely because Michele Kwan competed back then!

Chapter 5: Narnia
On our second full day in Nagano, we decided we wanted to go hiking in the snow! Luckily for us, the weather was perfect- cold, but sunny. We were even graced with a few light snow flurries. We took another bus ride that wound its way up into the mountains, passed several ski resorts and on and on- at a certain point, I wasn't sure if we were going to find what we were looking for. Honestly, we didn't really know what we were looking for- we just new the name of the temple and that there was a long line of tall cedar trees along the trail up to that temple. Once we got off the bus, we tromped around in the snow, honestly a bit lost.

But with the help of my amazing new phone, plenty of patience and a bit of luck, we stumbled upon exactly where we wanted to be. Naomi compared the walk to stepping into the enchanted land of Narnia, and I totally agreed with her. Apart from a few snow-shoers, we were all alone and it was incredible! I will let me photos do the talking. Take a look.



  1. an "Adventurous" trip...kuddos for finding the Temple with the help of your phone. It is an incredibly beautiful location, takes me back to our Idaho family trips...You both have done so much for a two nighter/two dayer!! Miss you! I would love to set up a Skype date, email me with some dates/times that work for you.
    Love you,
    Auntie Leza

  2. I notice the nice panoramic photos -is this a new iphone trick?
