Monday, January 25, 2010

right in my backyard

Seriously, I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I love how ever-changing the ocean is. This afternoon, I spent almost 2 hours walking up and down my beach (about 3 miles). I was astounded and mesmerized by the powerful waves-bigger than I have ever seen them since I moved out here. Throughout the evening the clouds and light gave a magical touch to the water. I will let the photos speak for themselves. Enjoy and come visit me soon!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Crafty for my birthday!

I turned 26 on Friday!! Thanks to all the love and good wishes that I received during that special day.

The festivities all started on Thursday afternoon when 2 teacher friends and I took over the kitchen and created and crafted a "Shark Attack" themed batch of cupcakes. I shared them with my enthusiastic students on my birthday then next day. You will note: the blue ocean, swimming and diving Swedish fish, life preservers- note the "shark bite" in a few of them, and of course several mean sharks!!

A big thanks goes out to the following important people in my life. I feel so loved.

Mary Anne- I loved the "chocolate" birthday card.
Dans- a great phone conversation and sweet card.
Baboo and Dzeda- a fun card and generous gift
Mom and Abba- coolest ipod touch ever and a great day in Santa Cruz!
Lexi- amazing hand-knit wool sweater
Hector- a trip to Universal Studios and fabulous chocolate cake
Molly- for joining me salsa dancing!!
My students- for a host of gifts from clothes to chocolate and cheese cake and singing for me and making the school day most enjoyable!
Oma and Opa- a good phone conversation
Luis- a good chat, y no puedo esperar hasta que regreses a los estados!!
Heather- a lovely bouquet of flowers
Heather and Teresa- for helping me decorate the cup cakes
Teresa- for taking me out for drinks and plenty of Wii bowling!
Kathleen- for having her class sing me happy birthday over the phone!!
Facebook- plenty of great wishes

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Universal Studios Weekend

A good friend of mine invited me on a trip with his family this weekend.  To celebrate his younger son's 5th birthday, 4 of us took a road trip down south to Universal Studios.  I went because: I enjoy hanging out with Hector and his 2 sons, I had never been to this theme park in Hollywood and I had a three day weekend from school.

Leaving long before the crack of dawn, we got to spend all day Saturday at the park.  Most of the attractions feature special effects, 3-d and even 4-d presentations and plenty of pyrotechnics to create that WOW! affect.

Although embarrassed to admit, one of my favorite things was getting a tour of the back-lot of Hollywood and driving through Wisteria Lane- the set for Desperate Housewives!! As well as a town square- with central garden and court house where movies such as Back to the Future have been shot.  We did enjoy riding roller coasters- both virtual and real.  

That night for dinner we ate at Bubba Gumps- and surprising myself to the 10th degree- although I ordered a mushroom/avocado burger- the only veggie item on the menu, I was convinced to try the shrimp.
I was shocked at myself for trying it, and even more shocked when I realized that I really liked it.  And here I thought I hated seafood.  Good thing there's a Bubba Gumps on the wharf in Monterey- because I might have to go was that good.


Friday, January 1, 2010

NYE- Berkeley Style

First of all, happy new years to all and here's to a blessed, safe and fun 2010.

Being in the bay area for new years, meant that Lex and I had to search for something local and relatively cheap to do for the evening. Every other year (for the last 6 years) we have spent new years with the Shubin family (relatives of my grandma) in a snowed-in venue in Idaho. So for lex and me, our only other New Years where we were old enough to go somewhere fun enough sans parents was two years ago when we found a bizarre pirate party in the city playing a variety of mash-ups to popular songs. We had a blast- dancing like crazy.

Well one up on the pirate party was what I thought would be a ballroom social dance scene. It was, to an extent... I think the photos will explain more than I can. Suffice to say that we ended up at the I house on Berkeley campus, and were able to convince the parents to come. The ages ranged from infancy to people in their 60s. Average age around 35ish. Although we were told by the website that "formal attire" was optional...we had no idea what kind of "formal" they meant until we arrived. Instead of ringing in 2010, we were reliving the 1850s.

The ballroom was large, with a live band playing a variety of waltzes, polkas, and marches. The dance schedule was posted on the walls. Gentlemen, in coat tails and top hats and even a few gloves, escorted ladies on and off the dance floor. Notice quite a few ladies in hoop-skirts and corsets. Honestly, I was totally jealous. Although I love my new skirt, it did not match up to these incredible dresses.

Lex and I had no difficulty dancing, as we were asked to dance often. It was fun to glide across the floor on the fast waltzes and hop and skip like a child on the polkas and sing along as the band played tunes from the Sound of Music.