Friday, March 22, 2013

Hakone Trip- Part 2

On Wednesday, I decided to take a more cultural focus. Museum Time!

The cool thing about Hakone, was all their different types of public transportation that navigated you through the windy roads and steep slopes. I also had the recommended 'free pass' which allowed me to get on and off all the modes of transportation without paying anything extra.

So from my hotel, I walked up the hill about a mile and picked up the Tozan cable car which literally had a track straight down the mountainside!

From the bottom of that station, I hopped on a bus that took me directly to the Venetian Glass Museum. Random choice, I know, but the grounds were set up like a small western European village and the Japanese visitors had fun dressing up in costume. Sisters- wish you had been on so much of this trip with me!
Baboo and Dzeda and Auntie Leza- the entire museum made me think of you the whole time!

Doesn't this lamp belong at Baboo's house??

Back on the bus, and then a short mini train ride, I arrived at the Open Air Museum. Abba, Lex and Dans you would have loved this outdoor sculpture exhibit. I know we would have been racing around to each of the statues and posing just like them. The funny thing was, most of the Japanese visitors were doing just that! I was slightly too embarrassed (and slow) to snap their pictures.

For LEX:


For MOM:

Sometimes the visitors are more bizarre and interesting than the exhibits themselves! 

Overall a great trip! 
This last little gem I just found as I was walking along back to the main train station. Dans, thought you would appreciate it! 


  1. I love the cast bronze sculpture you chose for me!

    1. for some reason it spoke to me for you- and i could imagine you posing next to it - trying to get your hair moving in the same crazy way too!

    2. It would definitely have to be an action shot!

  2. The butt-naked face plant speaks to me too! :) Love it.
