Monday, December 9, 2013

A whole lot of TLC in California

It felt good to go home for two weeks. Seeing the people I love, spending time with them and reaffirming how important they are in my life.

Drinks in Monterey with America

Hiking in Point Lobos with Teresa and Heather

Shopping and eating out with Dzeda and Baboo

Cookie baking with Dans, Lex and Nels

Lunch and coffee date with Mare and Levi

Mnt. Diablo hike with Laurie and the parents 

Thanksgiving with the family

Salsa dancing in The City with Stefany and Ingrid
*Not pictured (but near and dear to my heart)- Auntie Leza, Oma, Opa, Alison, and John.

Yet, I came back to Japan with a smile. I'm still finding myself! But to the people at home: I love you so much :) Thank you for caring, thank you for letting me explore, thank you for welcoming me back too.


  1. It was wonderful to see you! Thanks for making time for us. :-)

  2. It was so nice to have you around. Love you.
