Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Some things in December

I returned to Japan on Dec. 1st- started a new 6-month contract with my same job and was welcomed back by coworkers, apartment-mates and friends. Japan is just familiar enough to navigate and to make it feel like I have built something that feels safe and comfortable.
I got right back into the swing of work- taking on more responsibilities, continuing to see the same students and getting recognized from those students that they really enjoy my lessons. I like knowing that I can handle the problems that arise at work, and if I'm not sure, I know who I can turn to.

Life sometimes feels like an extended weekend. I have Tuesday-Wednesday off from work, but then hanging out with friends on Friday-Saturday-Sunday night makes the work week seem extra short.

Although the temperature continues to drop day by day, the weather is still in mild-winter mode. I took advantage of this and found the last remnants of fall color in Shinjuku Gyoen- one of the largest gardens in downtown Tokyo.

Then of course there is bowling with friends- new and old! (yes, we are wearing mustaches!)

And finding new local hikes! Mt Nabewari- 1,273 metres in height.

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