Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February Activities

As February draws to a close, here's what I've been up to this past month...

Book club- Katy (far left of photo) organized a monthly book club with our closest friends from work. We meet once a month to "sophisticatedly" chat and gossip and then we remember to talk about the book we just finished too!

3 snow storms in the last 2 months- and Tokyo just isn't prepared to handle it! 
Aka: no snow plows/salted roads! The path out my front door! 

 A 'snow man' to greet us as we came back to the apartment!!

The neighborhood! 

Hanging out with Katy and Kelly- dinners, Zumba, coffee dates, cooking, plenty of goofiness!

Learning flower arranging! My finished product- not shabby!

Starting CrossFit in Tokyo!
AMRAP stands for: "as many rounds as possible" (muscle photos forthcoming!)


  1. Wow check out that flower arrangement! It looks as professional as any from the Ikibana books we used to love!

  2. Yay! Glad to see an updated post from Japan!

  3. Fun photos. An incredible floral arrangement! I love the hair scarf you are rocking! You look darling,
