Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Whispers of spring...

This month has been focused on training at the Crossfit gym- my body is sore for days at a time after each workout...but I love it.
It has also been an endless stream of job applications for next year. So far, with very few results or successes.
Finally winter is becoming a memory as I got to enjoy a relatively warmer -at least there was sunshine- yesterday.
Plum blossom season is in good force around Tokyo and the blossoms smell wonderful and their radiance in the sunshine whispers of the promise of spring.

I purchased a freshly baked sweet potato from the supermarket- baked on hot coals. Then I meandered through several parks and temple complexes enjoying the first sights of spring.


  1. Mmmm, the sweet smell of the coal-baked sweet potato, irresistible.
    Beautiful flowers welcoming the spring sunshine.
    Before you decide about a job, narrow down where you really want to live, the job will be there for you.

  2. Beautiful blossoms, Beautiful Rani! I, too, agree with your mom, especially with your future as a teacher. Miss you. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
    Love you, Auntie Leza

  3. Beautiful! and look at you in shorts.
    I miss you.
