Sunday, August 17, 2014

Whole 30- day 1.

I have a new goal. A one-month body cleanse and detox regime called the Whole-30. I need to post it here so I am accountable for my actions and I guess I will be looking for support when the cravings kick in.
Why, you ask?
1. Improved sleep
2. Clear skin
3. Mood elevator
4. Cooking more
5. Change my relationship to food
6. Eliminate sugar cravings
7. Increase energy

With the start of a new school year, it feels like a good time to establish healthy eating habits.

So, what can I eat???

  1. Meats, chicken, fish (we shall see), seafood, pork, (any meats)
  2. Vegetables (carrots, kabocha, spinach, eggplant, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower...)
  3. Root vegetables (potatoes, yams)
  4. Fruit (grapefruit, pear, banana, apples...)
  5. Nuts/Seeds (cashews, almonds...)
  6. Fats (coconut oil, avocados, ghee, olive oil...)
And on the NO list???
  • Sugar- juices, candies, 
  • Carbohydrates- pasta, bread, rice
  • Dairy- cheese, milk, yogurt, 
  • Soy
  • Legumes
So its definitely not vegetarian friendly. But the goal here is to see how I feel after 30 days, do I notice any changes? Then I can start to add back in certain food groups as necessary. 

There is lots of online support, one of my other friends is going through it right now as well and they all recommend being very prepared. So I've got tomorrow to plan out my meals and do the necessary grocery shopping. 

Today's breakfast: omelet: 
two eggs with carrots and ginger 

Lunch: (this was meant to be a snack, but my timing was bad). 
banana, almonds, cashews and jasmine tea 

Tonight's dinner: green salad.
Ingredients: ground chicken seasoned with olive oil and salt/pepper, butterhead lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, steamed broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cucumbers, dressed with olive oil and salt/pepper.


  1. Hey Rani. That salad looks delicious. I would worry from your first day's eats that you're not getting enough calories for it to feel good and sustainable for 30 days. Especially without the easy calorie boosters like milk or cookies, you might be running short. I would suggest maybe keep track of calories a bit.

  2. Hi Rani, I agree that that salad looks terrific and the diet looks really healthy overall. Your main source of calcium will be greens, so be sure you get enough cooked as well as raw. (I'm not sure which absorbs better). Speaking of cooked, when your Aunt Julie was visiting here she commented that eating a hot cooked meal for lunch or dinner seemed to be much more satisfying than the usual salads she eats at home. So if you are feeling hungry or if the diet is getting repetitious, cook it!
