Thursday, August 21, 2014

Whole 30 day 5!

When I'm prepared, I'm successful.

I have a meal plan calendar and I did a big load of shopping and cooking on Monday and consequently have had 5 successful days on this new plan.
Breakfasts for me are the easiest. A combination of a 2-egg omelet and I've started frying up some veggies in butter before adding the egg. In this example its shredded carrot and pre-steamed broccoli. If I have a fresh tomato, I chop that up and throw it on top.
Snacks have ben fruit mostly: peaches, pears, and bananas.  

 Dinners I can make big enough to tupperware for school lunches on the subsequent days. Below is my version of Veggie Marinara- no pasta, I used potatoes as the base. The sauce is made of: chicken, broccoli, carrots, and eggplant in a tomato spaghetti sauce. And those purple sprouts?? Well, they were pretty :)

This was left-overs, but the left-side of the plate was my Indian yellow curry with chicken, carrots, eggplant, onion, and sweet potato, all on a bed of cauliflower "rice."

It makes me excited to come home and eat.
Another snack recommendation? Left-over baked sweet potato. Even eating it cold, it tastes delicious.