Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gardening in Carmel Valley

A couple weekends ago I helped my good friend Teresa kick start her garden in her new little place in Carmel Valley. Once the protective fence was up and ready... Carmel Valley-ites have terrible trouble with a certain pest, deer!! So in order to keep the hopeful veggies safe from nibbling lips, a fence had to be erected.

I helped out the following weekend when we headed over to the nursery for good soil, and "deer-tolerant" plants. We worked all afternoon, moving a raised bed into the garden and filling it- for the veggie plot. We then transplanted and potted a host of lovely little guys- a meyer lemon, lavender, peppers, basil, morning glories. The day was lovely, and we got wonderfully dirty!! Moose, her 114 lb. dog found his own way to help out too!

1 comment:

  1. Fun!! I want to see the finished "lush" garden! Congratulations to your friend Teresa! Thanks for sharing, Rani!
    Love you,
    Auntie Leza
