Wednesday, September 8, 2010

the scribble game

This post is specifically for the sisters. As much as I teased you two about the ridiculous games you would come up with -singing as your ramen cooked, making up a language, and making paper doll clothes, I can't help but acknowledge and attribute some of the things I do today to that wackiness!! For example, the scribble game you two would play in the car- often.

For those unfamiliar with the activity, one person would scribble a bit on one paper and hand it to the other, the second person would have to create a picture from those random scribbles. To introduce my students into art this year, I took the same general idea. It took a few tries for them to "break out of the box" and really turn out some clever art- all based on another classmate's scribbles.

Enjoy. (the titles are always entertaining!!)

This student enjoys science...

This student is quiet, but hardworking. I had her older sister two years ago.

this one really made me laugh (make sure to read the caption!)


  1. Rani, what clever students you have! Dans and I are chuckling.

    -Mom and Dans

  2. Creative, I want to play!
    ~Auntie Leza :D

  3. That is so cute - you're always doing such fun things with them :)
