Saturday, September 25, 2010

Running around the Monterey Area

I know its random, but when I google myself, the first thing that comes up is of course my masters thesis. the second, are the race results for all the runs that I have recently completed.
I have completed four 10k (6.2 miles) races in the last 8 months!! If I go back an entire year, that would include a half marathon (13.1 miles) and if I go back a year and a half, that would include a 21 mile marathon!! I guess I love running. The best thing about it, is running with a partner. Teresa, a great teacher friend of mine ran the 21 miler with me. Darling Lex ran the half marathon with me. Both of the longer races were in Big Sur.

For the most recent races I have been training and staying motivated by my good friend and salsa dance partner, Hector.

So time to get to the stats of the races.

Date: February 14th
Location: Pacific Grove

Course: race along the ocean-side street from lovers point (out and back)
Weather: Sunny, misty spray off the ocean
Results: 9:08 min mile; 56:35 minutes
Racer # 228 out of 560+ participants.

Date: April 11
Location: Santa Cruz

Course: race along the Santa Cruz Coast line. From the boardwalk (out and back)
Weather: foggy, windy
Results: 8:48 min mile; 53:56 minutes
Racer # 195 out of 1118

Date: September 12
Location: Aromas Rock Quarry

Course: race through an active rock quarry (very hilly!)
Weather: thick fog; very chilly
Results: 59:00 minutes
Racer: # 26 out of 55 (8th woman to cross finish line!)

Date: September 25th
Location: Pebble Beach/17 mile drive

Course: Start at Stevenson High School, through the forest, out along the 17 mile drive coast line then back into the trees. Incredibly hilly!
Weather: 75-80 degrees!! Gorgeously sunny day!
Results: 57:25 min.
Racer: 2nd in my age/gender category!! (58th overall out of over 100).

Next race... Half Marathon in Monterey (my own backyard)
I've got the t-shirts to prove it!!

**Thanks abba for the photos!! Guess I need a photographer at all the races.
Next one is November 14th!! (hint hint)


  1. Great job, Rani!
    (Like father, like daughter...)

    When is the Monterey half?

    - Mom

  2. I am proud of you, Rani, my sweet niece!
    Love you!
