Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kimono Fitting- WHAT?

An apartment friend of mine is studying the art of Kimono fitting/wearing...I guess that's how to describe it. Anyways, he invited me to the school where he is taking classes and requested that I be a model so he could practice kimono, I'm not explaining this well! Anyways- I am one who LOVES dressing up- so even though we had to squeeze this in before work on Saturday morning, I was ecstatic!

The whole process took an entire hour and I was layered with foam pads (on my butt and shoulders), 3 full dress layers, and a plethora of belts and sashes that were securely fastened. It was difficult to breathe, almost impossible to walk and when it was all said and done, incredibly heavy!! But- SO worth it!
The dress had to fall just right, with the correct seams and folds and the incredibly long sleeves had to hang just so. His sensei came by several times to help adjust the alignment of knots and folds and scolded me for standing contra-posto...I quickly brought my feet together and stood perfectly still and straight! (notice the appropriate 2-toed 'socks' on my feet)
My accessories include: a small fan in my hands, and the sheath of a small sword (the tassels hanging from my belt).

If I were all painted up like a Geisha, this is the 'most revealing part.' The white face paint would come back so as to elongate my neck...


  1. How fun!!!! Where are the wooden flip flops?

  2. Fun and beautiful!! The colors are our Russian khokholoma laquer items.

  3. Oh yeah, the sexy white neck! Next time.
    Except that it looks like it would be a chore to remove all that paint.
