Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Very Happy New Year

Happy 2014 from Japan...
Some friends and I decided to stay warm and away from the crowds, so we cooked traditional soba noodles and drank hot spiced wine and gave back massages and rang in the new year in the comfort of our apartment.
Keiko, me, Kelly, Katy and Yuka

 *Turns out that police barricades were up all over downtown Tokyo, so the famous Shibuya crossing (the Japanese equivalent to Times Square) was completely blocked off. (I'm glad to have missed that mess!)

On New Year's day, Katy and I enjoyed the upper 50s weather and joined in with the traditional shrine visit

A short line of people waiting to give their offering for their 2014 wish.


  1. Hope you walked through some Tori Gates for me!!! I very much enjoyed that tradition in Japan. And I feel like they brought me a very good 2013.

  2. You and your friends look cosy, relaxed and happy.
    Happy New Year to you all.
    love, Mom
