As many of you know, I love the reality tv show: The Amazing Race. One of these days I hope to be on it! Although I will first have to learn to drive a stick shift and not be deathly afraid of deep ocean water and not hate flying so much- besides the point, right?!
Anyways, as I've been living in Japan I've been managing to take overnight trips about once a month. As I explore a new city I imagine the show having some sort of task related to where I am.
Well I got to compete in a challenge today that would perfectly fit on the race!
At the visitors center in Nikko I was given a poster with 11 empty spaces where I was supposed to collect stamps. If I returned in a certain amount of time, I would receive a prize. Today happened to be a festival with large decorated wagons, music, costumes and a long parade. The wagons were pulled up the main road about a km to a historic bridge. Children dressed in traditional kimonos rode inside playing drums and flutes. Men pulled the wagons up the hill. Each wagon had its own special stamp and I was my job to go from wagon to wagon asking the parade participants to stamp my poster. Luckily stamp in Japanese is: "stampu" so all I had to say was "stampu onegaishimasu" and if I asked the wrong guy, they were still very helpful. I was even provided with cupfuls of sake!
My prize? you ask, two bottles of local beer brewed and bottled in Nikko! Can't wait to try it with some friends.