Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nikko: shrines, temples and pouring rain!

I've been on a roll... each month I take a mini vacation! 

In January: I visited Kyoto with my parents and sisters.

In February: I visited Nagano with a coworker/friend.

In March: I spent 3 days/2 nights in Hakone.

So, for April's adventure- I visited Nikko.

Sometimes referred to as the 'mini Kyoto,' Nikko is famous for shrines, temples, some great hikes and as luck would have it- a city-wide festival while I was there! (more about the festival in the second post).

Although it took almost 4 hours to get there by train-about 3 transfers (and one mistake on my part), it only cost $20! Damn I love Japan's public transportation. (As a point of reference, it would cost me $20 just to get to Davis on Amtrak-1 hour from Oakland).

On the first afternoon, I scouted out the downtown area. From the train station, I walked up the hill following the main road. Soon I found the tourist information center (Mom, you would be so proud). There I received the necessary maps and directions towards the shrines and temples. 1 km further up the hill, and I reached three points of interest:

This sign front: (which included Japanese, English, Spanish and even Hebrew posters!) How could I resist? Turns out, its one of the few recommendations in Lonely Planet- and as you guessed it, very foreigner friendly! There were only three wooden tables, so strangers sat together! Covering the walls were memorabilia and messages from all over the world and in all languages! Really cute. I enjoyed my lunch while chatting with an Australian tourist.

The start to the complex of shrines and temples...

This time I wanted to share the intricate carvings on these buildings...

Recognize this iconic carving? I'm proud to say its the original!!

Nikko's elevation is significantly higher than Yokohama, so it was rather cold, and unfortunately rainy today!

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