Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nikko Day 2: solo hiking, waterfalls, and lakes

I started my day early, and caught the 7:40 bus from the station. It took about an hour to wind through the mountain slopes and reach a lovely lake, and from there the starting point of my hike. Also a popular hiking spot among the masses. Except, I was basically the only hiker today! I had a glorious walk past several waterfalls, along a stream, across a bridge, through birch woods, up to another lake and all surrounded by snow-capped mountains! Luckily it was sunny, and with the beautiful scenery around me, I was on cloud nine!

The first waterfall, and from there the trail continued for nearly 6 km along the following terrain...

 Where are the people?

My only company along the trail!

Clearly no one has been here in a while to fix this... (this was one of many fallen trees along my path).

(Lex and Dans: insert poem reference here...)

So I guess the black rock that is not covered by water is supposed to look like the poster on the railing?!

Climbing over 300 steps along the side of the waterfall (pictured directly above), I reached another lake-clearly the results of a volcanic eruption since there is even a sulfur hot springs up here.


  1. Two road diverged in a yellow wood, I'm sorry I could not take them both, but being one traveller, long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth....

    How did you choose? Robert would recommend the one 'less travelled by' but both look pretty empty and 'wanting wear'.

  2. A very peaceful -but dry- hike.
    I wanted to look up when the rainy season was in Japan so I googled it and landed at a website called Japan Talk. If you haven't seen this site, you will really enjoy it. It has so much funny stuff about life in Japan, I couldn't stop reading it. Everything from "the 67 reasons you will hate Japan" (not really), to chopstick etiquette, to bowing to, bento boxes, trains, etc. It is hilarious but right on target.
