Thursday, July 11, 2013

Matsumoto Castle and city

On day 2 of my adventure, I stayed in town. The city of Matsumoto boasts Japan's oldest wooden castle- one of four designated as a National Treasure, it was built in 1595. I agree! It was awesome! Built as a fortress, not as living quarters, the castle is 5 stories tall with a secret 1/2 level. Entrance to the castle grounds also allowed visitors to explore inside. I had a great time climbing the steep wooden staircases all the way to the top look-out tower and had a marvelous view in all 4 cardinal directions.

Below you can see a small tower on the front left side with a red veranda all the way around it. This was the "moon observatory" a seemingly peaceful place.

After exploring the castle, I meandered down a few shopping and souvenir streets, tried to stay in the shade and finally the heat got the best of me. I spent a good hour or so hidden in the shade on a park bench completely enthralled in my book. Then gave into the temptation of air conditioning and found a restaurant for lunch and a shopping mall to cool off! 


  1. Beautiful castle and beautiful views. Plus, I like the Kanji. Will try to memorize.

  2. Truly a beautiful catle and location!
    Love you!
