Saturday, July 27, 2013

River BBQ

Day two...

My apartment friends organized a big outing to a river on the outskirts of Tokyo-about 2.5 hours away by local train. We had a place for a fantastic BBQ with tons of delicious food, and then headed down to the river. There was a pedestrian foot bridge which many of us jumped off into the frigid and flowing river below! We then got caught in a major summer downpour- so we hung out in the covered bbq area  and roasted marshmallows.

Food prep station- making pizzas, grilling corn, fried noodles, chicken kabobs, sausages, chicken, veggies,

Grilling the noodles and boiling the edamame!

My apartment mates...

Jumping in the river!


  1. Oh my God Rani, you are so brave! I certainly hope that many others jumped into the river before you and that it was seriously DEEP. Otherwise, I would be freaking out on you.

    - Mom

  2. Was that you going head first into the river?! Oh My goodness!
