Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tourists in Tokyo

America, my friend from Monterey, is staying with me for two weeks. I took 9 days off from work and as soon as she arrived we hit the ground running! We are packing in so many different activities, places and events into these days that the following blog posts will have to be in daily installments!

First things first.

We spent her first full day as Tokyo tourists. With the temps in the upper 80s and the humidity high as usual, we started with baked goods at a place near the Eda station.

Then off to explore. One of my favorite Buddhist temples in Tokyo is in Asakusa- so we headed there...received our good fortunes, took in the incense, and cleansed our hands.

From there we walked to SkyTree- the tallest building in the world (as of 2011). It was completed just over a year ago. Unfortunately the haze prevented perfect views, but still a great vista of the Tokyo Metropolis!

We then headed down to my favorite Japanese style garden and enjoyed walking through the paths and over the bridges.

Of course we had to stop in Shibuya for purikura (photo booth) which is so 'kawaii' (cute).

We then met up with my friend Kelly at a restaurant for Okonomiyaki- a fried pancake made with a batter and cabbage and green onions, kimchi, ginger. You cook on the grill right at your table.

On to day two...

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