Monday, October 29, 2012

News from Yokohama-shi

I have completed a full week of work!! It's starting to feel a bit more under my control.  I arrive to work about 45 minutes early, and usually use most of my lunch break for prep time, but when work is over, its truly over.  The students I meet at work have such interesting stories.  So far, that is what is most exciting about my job: getting to know about the lives of the students I work with.  Although, I am horrible at remembering their names! I used to pride myself on learning 23 students' names by the end of the first day of school, but I can't quite figure out these Japanese names! Just looking at them, I can't tell female or male nor can I commit them to memory!  On multiple occasions, little children have corrected me because I mispronounced their names!! Its going to take a bit of time for that!

During Saturday's shift, we had a photo shoot at work.  One of the students I had earlier in the week, is a professional photographer, and he went from classroom to classroom taking photos of teachers working with students.  I was photographed in three different classes.  I am guessing they are for publicity for the school.  I will share them when I see the proofs, or the advertisements.

Saturday night, was party night! Maiko, who lives down the hall from me, invited me to a Salsa Halloween party! No way was I going to pass that up.  After I came home from work, I sat in her room and she did my hair and make-up! She had spent the previous hour working on her hair and make-up, it looked incredible.  Kimonos is a hobby of hers and she was wearing a gorgeous one! She let me borrow some accessories, and I became a cocktail waitress of sorts.

In downtown Tokyo, we headed into a quiet building.  The private party was held on the second floor, about two times the size of an american living room! Everyone was dancing! We got right into it! Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, and Reggaeton- I was in heaven! 90% of the party was Japanese, with a sprinkling of foreigners.  The crazy thing was when we rode the train home with a few party-goers, we spoke in Spanish! 

Sunday morning, I went back to work! Then promptly came home and took a long nap :) 

On my day off on Monday, I finally hunkered down and started studying Japanese.  I bought myself some school supplies- always a good motivation :) so with flash cards and a new pen as well as two different aps on my ipod I hung out at a coffee shop and worked on new vocabulary as well as katagana- the Japanese syllabary.  Hopefully I will make it to a class later on this week!

Today was beautiful and sunny, so here are some neighborhood photos!

Eda station (its a 10 minute walk from my apartment to the local train station)

Adorable school kids waiting for the train with me!!

Crossing the main roadway on the way to the station.

Heading up the hill to my apartment!

walking through the neighborhood to the apartment

I live on the top of a hill, so the fastest way up, is up these stairs!

Social Apartment Eda! My window is the second from the left on the second floor :)


  1. Rani, Rani, Rani.....I am so happy to read about all the fun you are having! You look beautiful with your make-up and costume. It is awesome that you are enjoying Salsa dancing and speaking Spanish with the Japanese...haha....soon you will be speaking in their native tongue, proud of you!
    Love you!
    Auntie Leza

  2. Hi Rani,
    You look fantastic in that photo and what a great Salsa night that must have been for you. I also liked the tour of your neighborhood from train station to back yards. Are those apple trees or persimmons?
    love, Mom
