Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some recent experiences in photo form!

For those of you who don't like to read my long ramblings, here are some recent photos:

Typical mom with her kids on her bike. Can you count how many people are riding this bike! (look closely!)

Statue near one of the major train stations- Ikebukuro

I still cannot get over how many people live in Tokyo!! Everywhere at all times of the day/night.  Many of the downtown train stations just have a CONSTANT heavy flow of people

Best fireworks show ever!! Over an hours worth of pyrotechnics!

More than 10 floors of Karaoke rooms! And that is one of about 20 karaoke buildings within a 2 block radius!

Its not yet fall!

These adorable older Japanese were painting the city scape! It was quite impressive as I leaned in for a closer look


Fruits and veggies tree!

Korean BBQ dinner with my apartment mates: (left to right: Fumi, me, Akiko).

butaniku wa suki desuka? (do you like pork?)
Hai, suki desu! (I like it!!)


  1. I love love love the mom on the bike with her 3 kids picture. You know how heavy that bike is and how she is really using her core muscles and pedaling slowly in order to keep sure balance.

    Also, I can't believe you ate those enormous slabs of raw meat!

    1. Could you imagine Finn in the back, Jo in front and Piet on you? Crazy, right!
      We didn't eat the meat raw. They cooked and cut it up right in front of us!

  2. Rani, Your pictures speak a thousand words: -The peaceful, graceful mom with her kids on the bike, and not just her and the kids, there are bags and backpacks in the basket and even a little backpack hanging off of the back of the little kid's seat in the rear.
    -Cool statue.
    -The biggest fireworks blow I've ever seen!! (What was the occasion?)
    -The old guy with his birdie friends. (Ok, they're pigeons, but still..)
    -The cityscape painters, peacefully hanging out outside with their hobby, the fresh air and each other.
    -The cityscape with foreground river.
    -And Korean barbeque with pork, which has the most bang for your buck when it comes to flavor!
