Friday, October 5, 2012

Some updates

Yes! I took a job.  I decided to stay in the Tokyo area.  Two days ago I signed my work contract- for a full year (weird to see October 2013 on there!), so now my work visa is being processed and soon I will apply for an alien registration card (also weird!).  It should all run smoothly, and my official work training starts on Monday, October 15th, with my permanent work schedule starting the following Sunday (21st).  The proposed work schedule is that I work Wednesday through Sunday with Mon/Tues off each week.  On the weekdays I work 1-9pm.  Saturday's schedule is 11-7pm and Sunday's is 9-3.  That will be new!

So now that work at ISE is settled, for the moment, I moved on to step number 2: apartment hunting! I am applying to live in what is called a Social Apartment.  Check it out here:
Basically, I big college-like dormitory! Shared kitchen and living space downstairs and private single room dormitories upstairs.  I chose Social Apartment Eda.  It is up on a hill, about 15 min. walk to the train station and then 2 exits (about 5 min) to my school's station.  From that station its about a 7 min. walk to work! Just the kind of commute I wanted.  There are about 50-60 people living in the apartment, I think most of them are Japanese- so that should help my meager language skills grow! I should be moving in there in about a week- I will post pictures of the new place then!

Step 3: get some touristy things done now before work starts full force! So, I have shinkansen (bullet train) tickets to Kyoto! I booked a ryokan (Japanese style guest house) for four nights.  I've got a few tours booked as well, plus Lex's and my Lonely planet guide books to help out! I leave Sunday, so that should be a lot of fun!
Yesterday I visited Tokyo Tower- the "Eiffel Tower" of Japan- modern looking and Orange! But the views were incredible! Although the day seemed clear, with blue skies, the haze in the distance prevented me from seeing Mount Fuji! But I discovered the panoramic feature on my camera and got some good shots!

Step 4: keep hanging out with friends.  I met up with some of my TEFL friends last night for dinner and beers, they in turn introduced me to some more people and we had an enjoyable evening.  Aside from being an English teacher, these foreigners were translators, contracted to translate websites, work documents, and the like from Japanese to English or vise versa.

Some photos from the week:

The Shinkansen, bullet train (this one I rode to Nagoya).  I will also take one to Kyoto tomorrow.  Honestly, the seats were just like an airplane, although considerably more leg room.  The lull of the train put me right to sleep!

Typical metro ride in Tokyo- anytime, anywhere!

Adorable fountain at a shrine in downtown Tokyo!

Tokyo Tower!

From below...

The ultimate in "photographer's shadow." Too bad its too hazy to see Mount Fuji.

The tower's shadow :)

250 meters above the city!

My panoramic setting...

Looking down from above

There was an outdoor staircase (aprox. 650 stairs) down from the middle level (150 meters above the ground).

The Japanese Noppon brothers! Older brother in blue and Younger brother in red.  The tower's mascots, you could say.  This sign was located at stair 333 of course :)


  1. The job sounds fine and the living situation excellent! The photo of your shoes on the glass panel looking down the tower is great — it gives me the heebie jeebies without even being there!

    - abba

    1. haha! i thought i would be fine too, but as we ascended in the elevator- and could see out the glass windows, my stomach started to creep into my throat!

  2. Congrats on your job and apartment!! Incredible views from the tower and eerie with the glass bottom. Enjoy your bit of freedom. Xoxoxo
