Saturday, September 1, 2012

A sporty city

This afternoon, I borrowed a bike from the house, it was way too small for me, but everyone here rides bikes and the sidewalks are made for both pedestrians and bicyclists.  All ages have bikes.  From the fast racing bikes to the moms with a baby in a front seat and a toddler in a back seat, to the old men and women with their miniature dogs in their front baskets and their groceries in the back!  I have to work harder to get photos of these adorable scenes!

I looked a google map of my neighborhood and saw that beyond the park I had already explored was a long river with what looked like a bike path along it.  I found it without much difficulty.  The wide, smoothly paved bike/walking/jogging path (can't WAIT to start running once my missing suitcase arrives with my running shoes!)  is on an embankment above the river.  It extends in both directions for kms and kms!! Between the river and the embankment are lines of sports fields.  As I rode slowly along, I saw kids of all ages and every kind of sport was represented: golf, baseball, tennis, soccer, ultimate frisbee, softball, lacrosse, baton twirling, track and field.  As far as the trail continued, the sports fields continued and each one was being used for a game or practice! In addition to the filled fields, the path I was on was well used by walkers, joggers and cyclists (in various degrees of cover-ups!)  One female runner was wearing a running skirt, with 3/4 length pants underneath and knee-high socks.  In general women seem to wear short sleeves (with separate sleeves as well).

Can you tell what sport they are playing below?


  1. How great to be in a city that has so many sports and such good roads/sidewalks to run and bike on. That was one of my favorite things about Antofagasta. You should go play Ultimate with those girls in the bottom photo!!

  2. I'm impressed and surprised that they even had lacrosse.

    And the whole area looks really beautiful, and community-ish, very pleasant for running and biking.

  3. Rani,
    How exciting to read on all you have done and appear to be getting acclimated. Amazing that they have so many sports fields! Mitchell's Travel baseball team played against the Japanese National team here in Los Angeles. They play with such discipline! You seem quite comfortable with your surroundings and your few phrases, which will be fluent sooner than you know. When do you start your course?
