Monday, September 24, 2012

Larry's house in Katsushika-ku

Some of you have been asking about what my living situation is like.  According to Americans, its very much like a Japanese-style house.  According to Japanese, it is a very Americanized home.  Some things you notice right away- take your shoes off as soon as you enter the home and put on a pair of house slippers.

The 3 story house has a very narrow staircase.  (each stair is smaller than your foot), so you have got to balance on your tip-toes going up and walk sideways going down.

This is my bedroom with a balcony from the third story- thank goodness for the oscillating fan and the remote controlled air conditioning in the room!

I have been doing all my laundry in the sink- because I just can't read the washing machine directions!

Gotta love a mirror in the shower and a stool to sit on! 

Our classroom on the second floor (I am facing the kitchen).

View from my bedroom balcony:

This is the toilet controller (unfortunately at Larry's house, he has disconnected it) but in public restrooms, you can have background noise (like trickling water sounds), the seat lids lift and lower automatically, there is a bidet feature and heated seats of course!


  1. The washing machine makes me laugh, and isn't the mirror in the shower fogged up and useless most of the time?

  2. The Japanese and their high-tech toilets...

    As is typical, I can only read the buttons on your washer that are simply English transliterated into katakana. (e.g. Dry, Speedy, All-Off, Start)
