Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday night- KARAOKE

It's Friday, and after an exhausting first week, my classmates and I decided to relax a bit.  We headed out for dinner, drinks and of course- karaoke!

At this typical Japanese restaurant, you remove your shoes in the entry and place them in a cubby.  Since there were 8 of us, we were seated in a private room- a low seated table with cushions on the floor.  There was extra room under the table, so that my legs could dangle underneath it! The waitress slid the door closed and to get her attention, you press a button on the wall.  We enjoyed mixed drinks, beers and an assortment of shared appetizers, and of course karaoke!

Music artists included: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Katy Perry, Eric Clapton, Elvis, Brittany Spears, and The Strokes.