Sunday, September 23, 2012

Some things I've seen that I wanted to share...

Only in Tokyo, can you see both the Golden Gate Bridge and the Statue of Liberty in the same location!

Check out this very functional carrying case for your rice-wrapped sushi! The Japanese come up with something for everything!

 The art room in the public high school behind my house:

In one of the many metro stations:

Larry in front of his house.  (I am staying on the third floor).  My room is the balcony/window on the right side.

 Views of Tokyo from 60 floors up.  It seriously stretches as far as the eye can see in all directions!! Notice where it says Seibu? that is the entrance to the metro/rail station.  But of course most of that is underground! As crowded as Tokyo is above ground, there is a whole other world below ground- shops, restaurants, and millions of people filing through the subway system at all hours of the day and night!

 Tokyo does have some great desserts! After a long day of touring around, this was quite the treat!

Also typical are taking pictures at a photo booth.  The uniquely Japanese thing to do here is to accessorize your photo before printing it (see how I've added the shooting stars, bows and flowers?)

Zara and I just can't figure out the men here! Notice his handbag? and his straightened and lightened hair? Men's fashion is definitely broader than in the States.  Everyone carries a bag with them, clearly some more sophisticatedly than others!

1 comment:

  1. The views of Tokyo extending as far as the eye can see are amazing!! and not just a little unnerving.
