Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday at an Onsen

All day it rained! HARD! But that didn't stop Zara and me from our outing.  We met up at one of the central train stations downtown and took the Yurikamome Monorail to visit Odaiba- a manmade island built on trash! Odaiba boasts one of the best Onsens (Japanese spa/hot springs) and it was definitely a top spot in the guide book.  We loved it and took in every experience.  As soon as you arrive you are handed a keychain with a bar code, this is scanned at various different locations and you are billed at the end of your visit.  Step two is picking out a yukata (cotton kimono) and sash to wear.  In the changing room you strip out of your clothing- thank goodness, because ours was soaked through from the rain, and you spend the rest of the time in your yukata.  Oedo Onsen Monogatari is modeled after an old town from Edo times and with everyone walking around in their yukata it was really fun! There were food courts and low tables to spend time eating.  There were outdoor foot baths with those sharp pebbles sticking out - you know that reflexology thing! I hobbled through the mineral water stream as I tried to avoid the stones that are planted there-Zara walked over them like it was nothing!

One of the foot baths had little fishes in it and they came and nibbled like crazy on your feet and ankles!! Once we got over the initial shock- it tickled something terrible!! And my feet are so darn sensitive and ticklish! But we did manage to stay in there for the full 15 minutes and I swear those little fishes cleaned off all that dead skin and those blisters!

There was also the full body mineral baths that were separated by gender.  After leaving your yukata in a locker, you enter into the bath house- it reminded me of a scene right out of an ancient greek/roman bath house painting with naked women walking, chatting, bathing, relaxing and enjoying themselves.  There were many different pools of all different temperatures! Again, after getting over the initial nudity shock, we completely enjoyed it! Then there were showers and shampoos and hair dryers to get you all cleaned up afterwards.

All this with lunch for about $55.00! What a wonderful day in a Japanese spa!

By this point we are drenched, the rain just wont stop and we are ready to check out Oedo Onsen Monogatari... we have no idea what to expect!

 We receive our instructions on how to wear our Yukata

I'm loving it!
Looks good, right? 

After ordering food, patrons can sit and eat and even nap...

 Enjoying the hot mineral water river

Giggling as the fishes immediately started nibbling our toes, ankles and legs! At first it took all my will-power not to squirm because of how much it tickled!

Here they are getting to work! Now my feet feel smooth and clean!  

The old Edo village feel! 

Zara had no problems walking across those stones!


  1. Rani, your yukata is beautiful! And this whole lovely spa was built on a trash island?

  2. Yea, I'm impressed that it is built on trash. Also that 'rock walk' looks like it would feel either really good or REALLY painful for the plantar faciitis, I guess it depends where you step. And the fish thing looks kind of awesome. Could you hear them nibble on your dead skin?? I also like the Yukata its very pretty
