Thursday, September 27, 2012

Celebration time!!

We got to celebrate on Thursday! Our course work complete, it was time to party!!
We started with a mini graduation ceremony, receiving our certificates.   

This is Dave Martin, one of the two course instructors.

We started our festivities in Larry's living room with plenty of booze, food, music, and dancing- of course! (Party started at around noon!)

 All the girls celebrating our successes! From left to right: me, Zara from Whales, Natalia from Chile, and Ayumi from Japan.

 The whole crazy group! We represent 6 different countries and 4 different US states.

 Clearly, our celebratory spirit was not done yet, so at around 6:30, we headed out for our favorite pastime- Karaoke, of course. Artist choices included: TaTu, White Stripes, The Eagles, Foo Fighters, Backstreet Boys, Lady Gaga, Red Hot Chili Peppers - a long list that kept us crooning for over 2 hours!

Next stop: Shibuya (there is a story behind this dog statue- that I will have to look up for you).  Here we found great dancing clubs and a diverse group of partiers!

 Curfew- The reality of Tokyo.  The bars may stay open until after 2 or 3 in the morning! But if I wanted to make it home (45 min. train ride from downtown), then I needed to leave by midnight- or I would have to wait until 5am the next morning when the train system starts up again!

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo!

    Congratulations on making it through the program. I hope that the job search continues to go well.

    - abba
