Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony

Zara and I spent the day together.  I want to walk you through the traditions of a Japanese tea ceremony!!

It was held in a lovely park:

The tea house:

First we removed our shoes:

Then we carefully read all the directions!!

She served us our tea and confection: (notice that the bowl's pattern is facing us) 

 Hot green tea with a sweet confection and a small pointed stick:

You eat the confection first and must cut it with the stick and use the stick to eat it:

Then you pick up the bowl and turn it twice so the decoration faces away from you.  Then you sip the tea, holding the bowl in your left hand:

You must drink it all and leave no foam, in 3-4 sips:


  1. The Tea Ceremony looks like fun. Mom and I read that whole page of instructions and chuckled at every step.


  2. We had fun trying to get it right!! Zara got all flustered because as she was cutting her confection, it broke into a ton of crumbs, and she had difficulty trying to get it back on the stick :)
